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In today’s era, social media is being used by people for a multitude of purposes. Whether it’s staying connected with friends who’ve moved abroad or promoting a newly established business, social media has become an integral part of everyone’s daily life.

Are you currently utilizing social media?

If not, are you interested in using social media?

The Diko training program has been thoughtfully crafted to impart fundamental knowledge about major social media platforms. This knowledge can then be applied to other platforms, enabling individuals to engage meaningfully within these digital networks.

Learning Objectives and Advantages:

1. Social Media Marketing Across Various Channels:
Discover the most effective ways to create impactful campaigns on different social media channels, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest.

2. Content Marketing for Social Channels:
Tailor your content to suit various channels and target audiences, maximizing lead generation and social engagement.

3. Brand Building on Social Media:
Develop and maintain your brand’s message consistently for professional exposure.

4. Social Media Advertising:
Learn how to create lead-generating and engaging advertisements using different social media advertising platforms.

5. Social Media Analytics:
Understand how to interpret and optimize your social media channels using unique analytical data specific to each platform.

6. Community Management on Social Media:
Recognize your social media personas and design strategies for engaging and managing your online social reputation.


Below is a comprehensive list of modules covered in the Basic Social Media Marketing Course:

Module 1 – Social Media and Brand

– Establishing a brand presence on social media
– Integrating social media with traditional media
– Engaging with your brand’s audience
– Strategies for engagement and marketing
– Building target audiences and personas
– Crafting content tailored to your audience and social media platform
– Exploring various social platforms
– Utilizing social sharing and microblogging platforms
– Incorporating blogging into social media
– Effective use of social bookmarking platforms

Module 2 – Social Media Content Strategy

– Analyzing target audience behavior
– Developing a content style guide
– Creating a social media content marketing strategy
– Setting content marketing objectives
– Understanding curated and created content
– Content marketing strategies for different social platforms

Module 3 – Content Creation for Different Social Platforms

– Effective use of hashtags
– Planning content calendars
– Identifying content gaps
– Building a content marketing inventory

Module 4 – Creating Engaging Social Content

– Setting SMART goals and objectives
– Designing social media campaigns
– Establishing content goals
– Crafting campaign goals and strategies
– Campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter
– Basics of influencer marketing
– Analyzing social analytics and making strategic decisions

Module 5 – Managing Your Social Media Community

– Understanding community management
– Establishing social community guidelines
– Creating business policies for social media
– Online reputation management (ORM)
– Handling positive and negative audience responses
– Monitoring guidelines
– Strategies for social media customer service
– Crowdsourcing
– Acquiring skills for effective management

Module 6 – Advertising on Social Media Platforms

– Introduction to social media advertising
– Gaining insights into your target audience
– Creating appropriate payment models for your business goals
– Designing advertisements for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn
– Setting marketing budgets for different platforms
– Understanding advertising metrics and setting KPIs

Module 7 – Brand Identity on Various Channels

– Understanding brand identity and purpose
– Transitioning to a customer-centric company
– Components of brand identity
– Grasping brand vision
– Defining brand purpose and positioning
– Developing a brand personality
– Crafting brand language

Module 8 – Measurement and Optimization

– Introduction to social media optimization
– Insights into ROI (Return on Investment) for social media
– Steps to measure ROI
– Tools for measuring ROI
– Defining objectives and KPIs for your social media marketing plan
– Conversion analysis for social media
– Understanding data types for social media advertising and marketing
– Interpreting social media analytics for all platforms

Module 9 – Strategy Planning

– Creating a strategy tailored to your business
– Defining your social media objectives
– Understanding competitive analysis
– Utilizing SWOT analysis
– Elements of a strategy plan
– Constructing a comprehensive strategy plan

– Nature and Wildlife Photography
– City and Travel Photography
– Studio Photography (Two Parts)
– In-depth exploration of Lightroom and Photo Editing Apps
– Commencing a Business Venture and Monetization

Course Details:

– Duration: Self-paced
– Course Fee: #5,000 ($15)

To enroll, please proceed with the payment to the following account number

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